
Figure 4.1.a_Standard 4_Financial Management

发布时间:2021-10-11 阅读量:

Figure 4.1.a - Standard #4 Measurement and Analysis of Student   Learning and Performance_Financial Management
Use this table to   supply data for Criterion 4.1. - Financial Management - CITBS
Performance Indicator You must provide assessments results for each   program, concentration, specialization, etc. accredited or to be accredited.   You must have direct, summative, formative and comparative results.
1.  Student Learning Results A student learning outcome is one that   measures a specific competency attainment. Examples of a   direct assessment (evidence) of student learning attainment that might be   used include:  capstone performance,   third-party examination, faculty-designed examination, professional   performance, licensure examination).  Add these to the description of the   measurement instrument in column two:
   Direct - Assessing   student performance by examining samples of student work
   Indirect - Assessing   indicators other than student work such as getting feedback from the student   or other persons who may provide relevant information.
   Formative – An   assessment conducted during the student’s education.
   Summative – An   assessment conducted at the end of the student’s education.
   Internal – An   assessment instrument that was developed within the business unit.
   External – An   assessment instrument that was developed outside the business unit.
   Comparative – Compare   results to external students using data from the U.S. Department of Education   Research and Statistics, or results from a vendor providing comparable data.   Internal comparative data may be between classes, online and on ground   classes, professors, programs, campuses, etc.

Analysis   of Results
Identified in Criterion 4.2 Identified   in Criterion 4.1 Identified   in Criterion 4.3 Identified in   Criterion 4.4 Identified in   Criterion 4.3
Approach Deployment                               (Do not use   grades or GPA) Results Analysis   of Results Improvement            Action Taken or Improvement   made Insert   Graphs or Tables of Trends                                    (3-5 data   points)                                                                  Report sample or population size n = #
Learning objectives          SLO1, SLO2, etc. What   is your measurement instrument or process? What   are your current results? What   did you learn from the results? What   did you improve or  what is your next   step?
Measurable Goals   80%, 5.5 or above, etc. (Indicate   type of instrument) direct, formative, internal, comparative

Financial Management

SLO3 - Students   will demonstrate the ability to use analytical and critical thinking skills   to evaluate integrated analysis and research.    
   Performance Criteria   - At least 60% of student enrolled in Financial Management courses in the   Financial Management program are scoring at or above qualified level on the   final comprehensive exam.
   100-point scale used:   Exemplary(90-100), Superior(80-90), Proficient(70-80), Qualified(60-70) and   Inadequate(below 60).
Direct,   Summative, Internal Student   Population: Data of 8 classes of Financial Mangement Program were collected   for 3 cycles, academic years: 2018/2019, 2019/2020, 2020/2021 following  
   our accreditation process.
   The performance criteria were as follows:
   Class0204171 (71.43%), Class0204172 (42.85%) and Class0204173 (45%) in   2018/2019.
   Class0204172 (35.71%),  Class0204181   (61.90%), Class0204182 (55%) and Class0204183 (61.36%) in 2019/2020.
   Class0204181 (75%), Class0204183 (54.54%), Class0204191 (71.04%) and   Class0204192 (65.85%) in 2020/2021.
The   performance criteria was met by 6 classes in 3 academic years: Class0204171   (71.43%) in 2018/2019, Class0204181 (61.90%) and Class0204183 (61.36%) in   2019/2020, and Class0204181 (75%), Class0204191 (71.04%) and Class0204192   (65.85%) in 2020/2021.
   We didn't met the criteria for Class0204172 (42.85%) and Class0204173 (45%)   in 2018/2019, Class0204172 (35.71%) and Class0204182 (55%) in 2019/2020,   Class0204183 (54.54%) in 2020/2021.
We   made steady progress as the 3 out of 4 classes in 2020/2021 achieved the   performance goal while it was only 2 out of 4 achieved the goal in 2019/2020,   and the ratio of qualified student has significantly increased.
   We increaseed the case analysis. Analyzed the real  Financial Statements of the listed   companies in the cases, improved students' analytical and critical thinking   skills.

SLO4 - Students   will demonstrate the ability to use analytical and critical thinking skills   to evaluate countermeasures and solutions.    
   Performance Criteria   - At least 80% of student enrolled in Advanced Financial Accounting courses   in the Financial Management program are scoring at or above qualified level   on the final comprehensive exam.
   100-point scale   used: Exemplary(90-100), Superior(80-90), Proficient(70-80), qualified(60-70)   and Inadequate(below 60).
Direct,   Summative, Internal Student   Population: Data of 9 classes of Financial Mangement Program were collected   for 3 cycles,  academic years:   2018/2019, 2019/2020, 2020/2021 following
   our accreditation process.
   The performance criteria were as follows:
   Class0204161 (84.62%), Class0204162 (69.99%) and Class0204163 (80%) in   2018/2019.
   Class0204171 (96.42%),  Class0204172   (94.73%), and Class0204173 (96.77%) in 2019/2020.
   Class0204181 (75.61%), Class0204182 (85.71%),  and Class0204183 (83.33%) in 2020/2021.
The   performance criteria was met by 7 classes in 3 academic years: Class0204161   (84.62%), Class0204163 (80%) in 2018/2019, Class0204171 (96.42%),  Class0204172 (94.73%), and Class0204173   (96.77%) in 2019/2020, and Class0204182 (85.71%) and Class0204183 (83.33%) in   2020/2021.
   We didn't achieve the goal for Class0204162 (69.99%) in 2018/2019, and   Class0204181 (75.61%) in 2020/2021.
We   made significant improvement in 2019/2020, as all the 3 classed achieved over   90% comparing with the perforance results in 2018/2019. But we faced a   decline in 2020/2021 academic year,as    Class0204181 achieved 75.61%, slightly below the goal.
   We adopted the method of analyze the real    Financial Statements of the listed companies, for the purpose to  improve students' ability to use analytical   and critical thinking skills to evaluate countermeasures and solutions. And   we will maintain this method.

SLO5 - Students   will demonstrate their ability to use data processing software such as Excel,   SPSS to make business and economic decisions.    
   Goal - At least 70%   of student enrolled in Introduction of Management Information System courses   in the Financial Management program are scoring at or above qualified level   on the final comprehensive exam.
   100-point scale used:   Exemplary(90-100), Superior(80-90), Proficient(70-80), Qualified(60-70) and   Inadequate(below 60).
Direct,   Summative, Internal Data   of 8 classes of Financial Mangement Program were collected for 3 academic   years: 2018/2019, 2019/2020, 2020/2021 following
   our accreditation process.
   The performance goal were as follows:
   Class0204171 (78.58%), Class0204172 (75%) and Class0204173 (77.28%) in   2018/2019.
   Class0204181 (82.85%),  Class0204182   (71.43%), and Class0204183 (78.57%) in 2019/2020.
   Class0204191 (78.94%) and Class0204192 (53.66%) in 2020/2021.
The   performance goal was met by 7 classes in 3 academic years: Class0204171   (78.58%), Class0204172 (75%) and Class0204173 (77.28%) in 2018/2019,  Class0204181 (82.85%), Class0204182   (71.43%), and Class0204183 (78.57%) in 2019/2020, and Class0204191 (78.94%)   in 2020/2021.
   We didn't achieve the goal for Class0204192 (53.66%) in 2020/2021.
We   made improvement in 2019/2020, as the results were improved comparing with   the perforance results in 2018/2019. But we faced a huge decline in 2020/2021   as Class0204192 achieved only 53.66%, far below the goal of 70%.
   We decided to allocate budget to purchase the license of advanced MIS   training software for the training and education We considered it an   effective way to improve students' skill in the real business environment.

SLO6 - Students   will demonstrate the ability to use statistical analysis software to analyze   data and discover patterns to inform management decisions.
   Performance Criteria   - At least 60% of student enrolled in Finance and Economic Practical Writing   courses in the Financial Management program are scoring at or above   proficient level on the Financial Analysis Report Writing.
   100-point scale   used: Exemplary(90-100), Superior(80-90), Proficient(70-80), Qualified(60-70)   and Inadequate(below 60).
Direct,   Summative, Internal Data   were collected for 3 academic years following our accreditation process. The   performance goal was met in all 3 academic years: 2018/2019, 2019/2020 and   2020/2021. We   met the criteria in all 3 academic years, though the performance declined in   2019/2020 and 2020/2021 academic year. We achieved 96.77% in 2028/2019,   64.93% in 2019/2020 and 61.82% in 2020/2021. We   changed the method of instruction in 2019/2020 academic year. We improved the   requirements of using statistical analysis software to perform quantative   analysis, which was a required essential content of financial ayalysis   report. Though the result of performance declined in 2019/2020 and   2020/2021,  we believed this was more   effective to improve students' ability to use statistical analysis software   to analyze data.

SLO7- Students   will demonstrate their ability to communicate effectively with industry peers   and the public on issues in the financial management field.
   Performance Criteria   - At least 80% of student enrolled in Financial Management program are   satisfied with the team building and leadership development.
   Student Internship Survey: Demonstration effective teamwork and leadership.
Indirect,   Summative, External We   conducted the Student Internship Survey for 3 consecutive years following our   accreditation process. Data were collected and survey reports were reviewed   and discussed.
   We achieved the goal for the 3 academic years: 2018/2019, 2019/2020 and 2020/2021.
We   met the criteria in the 3 cycle academic years, and made steady progress from   85.88% (2018/2019), 94.12% (2019/2020) to 93.33% (2020/2021). We   hope to maintain the performance. Date suggested that students deemed   "very successful" in the survey made steady improvement as well, as   the figure increased from 4.53%, 5.88% and 17.14% in 2018/2019, 2019/2020 and   2020/2021 respectively.

SLO8 -Student will demonstrate proficiency English language in   listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
   Performance Criteria - At least 5% of student achieved CET4 Exam Excellence   Rate and 40% of student achieved CET6 Exam Pass Rate.
   CET4 Exam: 5%   Excellence Rate
   CET6 Exam: 40% Pass   Rate
Direct,   Summative, External, Comparative Data   were collected for 4 consecutive years from 2018-2021 following our   accrediation process. As CET is organized by the Ministry of Education, we   collected data by calendar year.
   We achieved the performance goal in each year.
We   met the performance criteria in 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021, but the figure   slightly declined each year. We achieved 15.60% in 2018, 8.80% in 2019, 6.82%   in 2020 and only 6.87% in 2021. It suggested that we failed to improve our   students' listening and writing skills in English. We   encouraged the faculty to develop more bilingual courses. We hope to make   progress and may increase our goal to 10% CET4 Excellence rate.

Direct, Summative, External, Comparative Data   were collected for 4 consecutive years from 2018-2021 following our   accrediation process. As CET is organized by the Ministry of Education, we   collected data by calendar year.
   We achieved the performance goal in each year.
We   met the performance criteria in 2018, 2019 2020 and 2021. We achieved 60.66%   in 2018, 61.60% in 2019, 50% in 2020 and 51.15% in 2021. It suggested that we   failed to make continuous improvement of our students' listening and writing   skills in English. We   encouraged the faculty to develop more bilingual courses. We hope to make   progress and maitain our students' listening and writing skills in Englisn.
