

发布时间:2022-05-17 阅读量:

一、Essential Information


性 别:Female

职 务:Non

职 称:lecturer

导 师:Master Tutor

专业归属:financial management


主要研究领域:Capital Market Accounting, Corporate Social Responsibility Accounting


二、Personal Profile

Liu Feifei is a doctor, lecturer and master supervisor of management. She has long been engaged in research on Capital Market Accounting, Corporate Social Responsibility Accounting and other issues, and has published more than 10 academic papers in journals such as statistics and decision-making. Presided over and completed 2 projects above the provincial and ministerial level such as LiaoNing Social Science Fund project, as well as a number of horizontal projects. Guided students in competitions and won 2 third prizes of provincial awards in the innovation and entrepreneurship competition.

三、Educational Experience

2012 - 2015博士 Dongbei University of Finance and Economics Accounting

2003 - 2006硕士 Dongbei University of Finance and Economics Accounting

1998 - 2002本科 HeBei Normal University Accounting

四、Lecture Course

《Financial Management》(4学分)、《Intermediate financial accounting》(4学分)

五、Scientific research achievements

1. Discussion on teaching reform of online courses of Accounting based on OBE, Modern Economic Information, ISSN: 1001-828x, 2018(3);

2.Research on virtual Simulation experiment project of Individual Business Tax in Changshu, Ministry of Education, 2018.9,201802366039;

3.Research Service of Financial Science and Technology Innovation Supervision,2021, kyh20214925s;

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