
CITBS Strategic Plan

发布时间:2022-04-04 阅读量:


Changshu Institute of Technology (CIT), was established by the Jiangsu Provincial Government in 2005 and the Business School of Changshu Institute of Technology (CITBS) was established at CIT and has grown rapidly and offers a variety of graduate degrees. CITBS has been successful in recruiting and retaining excellent faculty, and actively encourages their professional development by providing support for research and instruction. In concordance with ACBSP standards, CITBS is continuously engaged in student assessment efforts.

CITBS now has 93 full-time faculty members and staffs, consists of 10 professors, 44 associate professors and 41 doctorate degree faculties. CITBS has an enrollment of approximately 2,500 undergraduate students who can earn Bachelor of Science degrees in Financial Management, Marketing, Logistics Management, Engineering Management, Economics & Finance and Human Resource Management. CITBS offers high quality business programs. The continuing budget provides the needed personnel (faculty and staff) and funds for operations including faculty development, technology upgrades, and other expenditures such as student scholarships, internships, supplies, etc.

Recruiting and retaining qualified faculty is a priority for CITBS. CITBS makes every effort to provide our faculty with a collegial and nurturing environment that encourages discovery and dissemination of new knowledge, fosters interdisciplinary work, and provides rewards for significant achievements. CITBS’s major faculty management policies, procedures, and practices provide guidance for faculty planning, faculty recruitment, faculty mentoring, faculty teaching loads, faculty development and faculty qualifications (including acceptable journals and journal classification). CITBS has developed a Faculty Handbook, including faculty recruitment, faculty qualification criteria, faculty mentoring, salary policies, reward and punishment policies, sabbatical leave application guidelines and other aspects related to the faculty development.

CITBS supports the professional development of faculty and assists the faculty in achieving success and satisfaction in every stage of a faculty member’s career. Faculty development practices in the CITBS are guided by our Strategic Plan. The noteworthy practices include Subsidy for further learning for high academic qualification, Visiting Scholar Support, Academic Leave Support, Sabbatical Leave Support and Databases Support. The faculty development practices have continuously strengthened the overall portfolio of faculty intellectual contributions. Over the last five academic years (2016-2020), the CITBS’s faculty produced a portfolio of 25 papers published in SCI, SSCI, EI, CPCI and authoritative journals.

Internally, there are three main challenges facing CITBS: (1) increasing excellent student enrollment, (2) increasing high-performance faculty recruitment and (3) increasing research support for faculty and undergraduate students. Externally, there are two primary issues that CITBS is watching closely: (1) the ranking of programs and disciplines on both the provincial and national levels affect the comprehensive competitiveness of schools., and (2) intense competition faced by undergraduates in the job market.

The Stated Mission of CITBS is to strive to be recognized as a business professionals education base characterized by specialization, qualification and entrepreneurship; cultivating future business professionals with regional and global visions, and social responsibilities. The Stated Mission of CITBS can be defined as follows: (1) offer high quality undergraduate education programs that prepare local students to succeed as business professionals and to become engaged citizens in their neighborhoods and the global economy, (2) conduct scholarly research that advances theory and practice in the business disciplines, contributes to teaching and learning, enhances the performance of organizations, and informs public policy decision making, and (3) contribute to local, regional, and national economic development initiatives in the pursuit of widely shared prosperity and well-being.

In order to continue to meet its mission, CITBS has developed the Strategic Plan align with the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020) and 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025). The Strategic Plan was developed with the input of various stakeholders within and outside CITBS. The Plan contains four core values: Integrity, Dedication, Knowledgeable, Aspirations. Mirroring the school’s Strategic Plan, there are five overarching goals, namely (1) engaging student success, (2) enhancing CITBS’s status as a first level business school in Yangtze River Delta Region, (3) enhancing internal operations, and (4) engaging with local community. A total of 11 objectives, 26 strategies and 70 action steps have been developed to target these five goals. In addition, CITBS has identified various measures that will be used to track performance. This will enable CITBS to make adjustments to the Strategic Plan where necessary.

CITBS has 2 undergraduate programs (Financial Management and Marketing) are undergoing the accreditation process for ACBSP since 2018/2019 academic year, and the rest of the undergraduate programs will prepare for the accreditation after the completion of reorganization process. We are confident that the accreditation helps CITBS market its programs to prospective students.


To learn more:

The Strategic Plan of CITBS (2016-2025) | Download

